Back To the Office – Are Large Room Video Conferences A Thing of The Past?

According to most recent surveys, industries are announcing their back-to-work game plans. Employees may notice they are not returning to the same work environment they once knew. Companies are actively redefining their office and conference room areas to suit the post-pandemic way of life. For many, this means leaving large room video conferencing behind, with companies opting for more manageable small to medium-sized rooms or hybrid work models.

Why Are Companies Ditching Large-Room Video Conferences?


Employees have become accustomed to meeting team members, onboarding new clients, and giving presentations from their homes. Many job applicants now expect, as a best practice, that their employers provide flexible work schedules and convenient hybrid work models. The combination of in-person and virtual has allowed many companies to recognize the full potential of their employees, with the expectation that they can work from anywhere given the proper access to wireless internet connections.

Reduced Costs

When fewer employees are in the office, companies can downsize their spaces and minimize the need for in-office equipment and supplies. Employers may recognize that they can decrease utilities such as electricity with the need to accommodate fewer individuals and large areas.

Workspace Changes

For companies choosing to go back into the office full-time, many are making health-conscious physical changes to their workspaces. These changes come two years after the world underwent drastic lockdowns to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Alterations to office spaces may include offering limited capacity conference rooms, reformatting larger rooms into co-working spaces, or adding cubicles and plexiglass to separate workstations.

What Is Replacing Large-Room Video Conferences?

For years, companies have tested the waters with web-based platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams. As they became more popular, many companies got rid of their older, traditional H.323 and SIP video conferencing platforms altogether. This technological transformation has allowed business owners and their teams to capitalize on user-friendly video connections with customers, employees, and guests.

Zoom Rooms

Zoom offers employers access to convenient and efficient video conferencing. Team members can seamlessly create and start meetings from anywhere. This cloud-based video conferencing service is compatible with multiple communication systems and devices such as desktops, laptops, and projectors. Learn more about our Zoom Room services.

Microsoft Teams

Employees use their Microsoft 365 accounts to easily collaborate and generate communications with clients and colleagues in a Microsoft Teams environment. Meeting hosts can efficiently conduct meetings, conferences, and webinars with the touch of a button. Employees can manage contacts and calendars and alter meeting invites as needed. Read more about our Microsoft Teams capabilities.

What Kind of Technology Is Needed to Accommodate These Changes?

With technological advances on the horizon, many companies are beginning to implement intelligent camera framing, which minimizes dead space in conference room video meetings. Intelligent framing allows the camera to intuitively zoom in on the individual speaking to provide the best video conference experience. As with everything, video conferencing and the technological advances that come with it will always be in a state of adaptation. With the emergence of platforms like Zoom and Microsoft Teams, employers can now supply their workforce with the resources needed to maximize their communication abilities.

Utilize Pro AV Systems Video Conferencing Services

Are you looking to upgrade your video conferencing abilities and unsure where to start? Our experts at Pro AV Systems can help you find a solution that uniquely fits your needs. Our services are not one size fits all. We craft and curate a commercial AV experience that will allow you to maximize your capabilities and performance. Contact us today for a free quote.

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